Ebook Algebraic Number Theory (Dover Books on Mathematics)

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Book Details :
Published on: 1998-01-29
Released on: 1998-01-29
Original language: English

Careful organization and clear, detailed proofs characterize this methodical, self-contained exposition of basic results of classical algebraic number theory from a relatively modem point of view. This volume presents most of the number-theoretic prerequisites for a study of either class field theory (as formulated by Artin and Tate) or the contemporary treatment of analytical questions (as found, for example, in Tate's thesis).Although concerned exclusively with algebraic number fields, this treatment features axiomatic formulations with a considerable range of applications. Modem abstract techniques constitute the primary focus. Topics include introductory materials on elementary valuation theory, extension of valuations, local and ordinary arithmetic fields, and global, quadratic, and cyclotomic fields.Subjects correspond to those usually covered in a one-semester, graduate level course in algebraic number theory, making this book ideal either for classroom use or as a stimulating series of exercises for mathematically minded individuals. Books in the Mathematical Sciences This site is intended as a resource for university students in the mathematical sciences. Books are recommended on the basis of readability and other pedagogical value. What's a number? - Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and ... What's a number? To paraphrase Albert Einstein a number by itself has no significance and only deserves the designation of _number_ by virtue of its being a member ... Best books for mathematical background? - Stack Exchange What are the best textbooks to read for the mathematical background you need for modern physics such as string theory? Some subjects off the top of my head that ... Mathematics - Free E-Books Mathematics - list of freely downloadable books at E-Books Directory Number Theory -- from Wolfram MathWorld Number Theory. Number theory is a vast and fascinating field of mathematics sometimes called "higher arithmetic" consisting of the study of the properties of whole ... Algebra - Wikipedia Elementary algebra is the most basic form of algebra. It is taught to students who are presumed to have no knowledge of mathematics beyond the basic principles of ... Number Theory - Dover Dover Publications Dover Books Although mathematics majors are usually conversant with number theory by the time they have completed a course in abstract algebra other undergraduates especially ... Euler Number -- from Wolfram MathWorld This Euler number is a topological invariant. To confuse matters further the Euler characteristic is sometimes also called the "Euler number" and numbers produced by ... Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics - Wikipedia See also: User:Mathbot/Most wanted redlinks. Factoriangular number (A factoriangular number is a sum of corresponding factorial and triangular number.)
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